Hi, I’m Jenni

I'm a Human Design mentor and certified Living Your Design course guide with the International Human Design School, as well as a Yoga teacher and Reiki Master.

Through understanding myself, I have learned how to love this experience of life deeply and I believe it is possible for all of us. When we come to that place, our true essence shines through and we can be who we came here to be.

In 2012 I quit my corporate job to dedicate myself to the full-time study of wisdom traditions, including Yoga, Buddhist practices, Shamanism, Taoism, Reiki & many more. In 2016 I was introduced to Human Design & Gene Keys, which I have been studying with deep enthusiasm ever since.

Like all epic journeys, mine eventually led me right back home to my own bodymind as an expression of the totality.

It is from here, in the depths of my own uniqueness, that I share what I have found to be consistently and reliably helpful and true for me.

Hear me talk about aspects of my journey with ...

Emma on The Human Design Podcast
Jess & Jenna on the While You Wait podcast

Jess Bubbico on the Waking up with Jess podcast

Jess Bubbico again...

Alexis and Lauren at Luxuries for your Soul podcast

New Retreat Announcement!

Jess Rowley and I will be collaborating again in November for a retreat focused on creating Space for Stillness.

We will explore Embodied Practices like yoga, meditation, chi kung.

Jess will offer her gift for sound healing in group & 1-2-1 sessions.

We will host workshops on finding our voice as a healing practice.

There will be Reiki and Reflexology, good food, creative mark-making, and all of this will centre around a Human Design exploration... How can we really live with our Human Design Embodied Authority as the guiding principle?

To find out more and for Booking enquiries, head to the Space retreat page...

Living Your Design Course

October 2024 live call dates ... Available to purchase now

LYD is the first of the mandatory courses for all future IHDS study for those wanting to go down that route. It is also a thorough and excellent introduction to the foundations of the system for anyone who has had a personal reading and wants to understand a bit more about their friends and family's charts.

For more info & to enroll go to the ...


I completed my IHDS professional LYD Guide training with John & Amy at The Human Design Collective.

My Current Offerings...

qi gong on retreat

I LOVE retreat. I have dedicated the past decade of my life to living and working on retreat.

There is nothing quite like in-person retreats for life-changing transformations, soul-deep connections, and learning opportunities.

I host my own UK-based retreats and also make 'guest-appearances' on retreats with other people in Europe. To find out what's coming up for in person connection...


jenni rave mandala
Human Design & Mentorship

I am available for Human Design 1-2-1s & mentorship

Whether you are new to Human Design and want to grasp the basics, or have been experimenting for a while and want some support with integrating the details into your life. Book a personal reading with me to help synthesise your understanding.


If you want to study Human Design more broadly than your own personal chart I recommend starting with the Living Your Design Course.

Reiki hands
Yin Yoga & Reiki

I have online courses available in Yin Yoga and Yin Teaching skills.

I am available for private Reiki & Reiki I&II attunements

I think both conscious movement, energy management and stillness are necessary to bring the body/mind into harmonious balance.



Wheels of Year Files available to buy

I have created High Resolution PDF and PNG files of the two Wheel of the Year documents for you to buy and print locally for your own wall or for teaching purposes.

I have printed them up to 1m Square as Vinyl banners to support retreat teaching and group Human Design Meet-ups, but you might have something different in mind for them.


Human Design Transits Podcast

The Transits podcast is on pause for the moment while I wait and see if the right invitation comes to take it to a new home.

Thanks to all of you who have reached out - either to offer it a home or let me know how much you miss it. I do to, but apparently I've still got some waiting to do. In the mean time you can listen to the full 3year archive with Emma Dunwoody and Jess Bubbico on the podcast page.


jen standing


(nice things people have said about working with me)

"You – wow, what can I say. You are even more incredible, wise, supportive, engaging than I’ve experienced on 1-2-1 online and on podcast. You are a well of knowledge, full of great ‘advice’ and wisdom. You make things so accessible, and you make me think about life from a different perspective. Everything you touch has your own spin on it."

- Kasia

The knowledge, skill and energy you bring is incredible. The way you held the space for us as a group but also individually was wonderful and should not be underestimated. The way I felt you connect with my soul and reflected it back to me was a moment that I will remember and be forever grateful for."

- Jo

You are super inspiring and I am in awe of your knowledge and how accessibly you shared this with the group - I learnt so much. I have never felt so contained and around so much love and it really is a credit to you for facilitating this. I am sure the experience will continue to positively impact my life and my understanding of myself and I look forward to seeing how I grow as a result.

- Jessica.

Free Contemplations

To deepen my own understanding of the Human Design Gates, I-ching Hexagrams and Gene Keys, I record audio contemplations and meditations. I make them available to anyone who wants to join in and expand their awareness of these powerful archetypes in their own life.