This retreat is all about Space. 

Space for silence. Space for sound. Space to be with yourself in nature.

Space from your daily responsibilities. Space to experience new things.

Space to disconnect. Space to connect.

Space to be still. Space to move. 

Space to sleep, Space to read, Space for whatever you need. 

We will focus primarily on deeply restful embodiment practices, designed to restore your vitality, refine the relationship between body, mind, spirit, and reinforce your own innate intelligence as the primary authority in your life.

WIth Love - Jenni & Jess

What will we do?

As much or as little as you like.

We recognise this time in the year as an important turning point. To let the light go and prepare for the winter. To restore your vitality or surrender to your exhaustion.

All is welcome, nothing is expected.

This retreat is a sanctuary not a performance.

We create and offer the space for you to get what you need.

What is Offered...

Human Design as an embodied practice and how to live it

Yin Yoga & Yoga Nidra to deepen into restful presence.

Sound baths as a technology for healing and release.

Gentle Vinyasa Yoga to refine our ability to sense bio-feedback

Guided Meditation to develop our ability to be with what is.

Chi Kung to release stuck energy patterns in the bodymind

There will also be...

  • Group circles & connection
  • Journalling & Creative work
  • Reiki & Reflexology
  • Personal Sound Healing
  • Nature Walks
  • Quiet/Private time
  • Recommended digital detox

No experience is necessary - this retreat is equally suitable for complete beginners and experienced practitioners in any modality.

About me (Jenni)...

Having lived and worked on retreat almost exclusively for over a decade, I deeply understand the arc of the experience and how to hold space for what is needed for each person.

The retreat lives and breathes through each of us, and as lead facilitator, it is my role and privilege to adapt to that living force, moment-by-moment. As unique beings, each of you will need something different, and I will create the environment that honours that and empowers you to take what you need.

I have explored and qualified in many embodiment & wisdom practices (yoga - Ashtanga, Dynamic Yoga Method, Yin Yoga, meditation, breath work, Reiki, Shamanic Practices etc) as well as training in shifting beliefs, perspectives and mindsets, and of course I'm a Human Design and LYD Guide.

On this retreat I will be sharing from this catalogue of techniques that I have found most helpful and supportive in my own life.

About Jess...

I believe deeply in the power of the retreat space to provide a container for connection, self-exploration and transformation.

On retreat (one of Jenni’s!) is where I first found the gong, which has led to an unimaginable new strand of my life as a Sound Therapist and I now have the privilege of being able to offer this to retreat attendees. Creating a sonic cocoon on retreat is a sacred practice for me and I love to discover new ways to use sound to facilitate a meditative journey that promotes wellness, deep listening, relaxation and altered states of consciousness.

I use a variety of instruments including the Gong, Himalayan and Crystal bowls, chimes, bells and percussion instruments, shamanic drum, the voice, Shruti box and anything else I find! 

I believe I am here to play a role in uplifting and expanding those around me, encouraging others to let go of constraints or to consider alternative ways of being, to feel empowered to be uniquely themselves, and to remind others of the magic of walking a non-linear path.

I bring my skills and knowledge as a psychologist as well as my awareness of alternative approaches (including Human Design) to everything I share.

Jessica rowley

How we will use Human Design on the retreat

Whether you have experience with Human Design or not, you are very welcome to join this retreat. There is no obligation to be interested in this system whatsoever. However, as facilitators we will be using the Human Design charts of all those who are interested to tailor the retreat to your unique individuality. 

One of the most challenging aspects of Human Design can be to really understand how your Authority communicates with you.

The answer to this question lies in the body and our ability to perceive and interpret the signals and sensations it generates. We can learn all the theory of Human Design in the world, but until we then ground that information back into the living being of the body, then we will likely never really ‘get it’. 

This retreat is specifically designed to bring us back to the body and back to our own Authority. 

About the Human Design transits for the retreat.

From 7-11th November we are mostly in the Sun Earth Polarity of Gates 1 and 2. These are the primal archetypes of Yang & Yin, Creative & Receptive. Energy & Matter, Masculine & Feminine. 

With Uranus in Gate 8 that means that we will have the Channel of inspiration: a design of a creative role model activated from the G to the Throat. This will allow us all to make a creative contribution and is the perfect time to explore your own individual direction in life. 

Venus and Mars, another of our classical male-female archetypal combinations, will also be defining the Channel 11-56 from the Ajna to the Throat, Channel of Curiosity, A design of a Seeker, allowing access to tales of our experiences and the ideals that we have created based on what has happened to us. There will likely be some stimulating and entertaining stories told. 

Jupiter, bringer of abundance is transiting 45 - Gate of Gathering together, is the perfect time to connect with your tribe and share education and resources, which is exactly what we will do. 

What's included in the price?

  • Four nights accommodation at the Healthy Home
  • Delicious nourishment (all meals provided)
  • All group sessions & workshops
  • A post-retreat follow-up call

Not Included...

  • Travel to and from the venue (Nearest town is Skipton, West Yorkshire.) We can facilitate car-sharing if you have extra spaces or need a ride.
  • 1-2-1 personal sessions with practitioners and therapists

Sleeping Options

There are 5 bedrooms with space for maximum 12 people.

2 x Twin Rooms @ £750 pp Sold out

2 x Triple Rooms @ £680 pp

1 x Double Room for Single Occ. @ £860 Sold out

1 x BYO Campervan space @ £580 pp

A non-refundable deposit of £150 will secure your place.

Most rooms share a bathroom with the room next-door. There are 6 bathrooms in total. Eco-Toiletries are provided (Shampoo, Conditioner & Body wash).

Note - a couple of the shared rooms have one king sized bed and one/two singles, we will allocate the King to the first person booked into that room, or if you're booking as friends, you can figure that out for yourself.

If you want to personally choose your room, go to the Healthy Home website and if it's not already booked you can have it.

PAYMENT PLANS: After you have paid your Non-refundable deposit you will be offered the option to Pay in Full 30 days before retreat start date. Or Pay in 2 or 3 monthly instalments (depending on when you book). Full details provided to you after you have secured your place.

Why we love the 'Healthy Home' venue

Gina is as obsessed with the energetics of wellness as I am. She has designed this incredible home to be a healing haven. There are crystals and angels holding the space in every corner. The walls are curved and soft. The decor is homey, cosy and welcoming.

Just being here, before we even ‘do’ anything, has a profoundly calming effect on bodymindspirit.

I have held retreats here many times before and I know it has the energetic capacity to hold space for the work we will do.

Also, Yorkshire.

So you want to come?

If you're already reaching for your calendar and planning how to make it work, here are a few more timing details.

Arrivals from 4pm Thursday 7th November, 2024.

Departures at 10am Monday 11th November, 2024

If you're one of those people who needs loads of info about a place before you go, then you can check out the venue website.

All info including a location map is available there. Travel directions link here.

All meals will be provided. That is Thursday supper, 3 meals and snacks on Friday, Saturday and Sunday & breakfast Monday.

Special Diets please let us know in advance, we will do our best to accommodate any and all.

If you have questions - I've guessed at a few below - or contact us to ask personally.


'I can't arrive until Friday, or I have to leave earlier on Sunday, is this OK?'

Sure, the perfect experience is yours to have - we can't discount the price for you - but you can come and go as you need to.

'I don't want to take part in everything, can I still come?'

Sure, You can participate in those parts or not, as you feel.

I want to come with friends, can you book us into a room together?

Sure, Just contact me and I'll see what is still available.

I want to come alone - is that OK?

Sure I'll room you with another solo traveller / new best friend.

I think you've got the gist by now - if you strongly feel the need to be here but aren't sure if it is possible, contact me and we'll try and make it work.

Booking Enquiries Form

Please use the form below to submit your booking enquiry and we'll be in touch with you to confirm and answer any questions.

(you may have to scroll down slightly on the form to get the purple 'Submit' button to show)